Bad Moon Rising
It’s nearly a full moon tonight. Sunday will mark the third full moon of 2010, already. Hard to believe there’s been that many already this year. We’ve been very cognizant of the lunar cycle since Tim was a small boy. Although psychology rejects the notion, I’ve charted Tim’s manic cycles and psychosis to a fairly…
Ms. Palin, You are a Hypocrite
An open letter to Ms. Sarah Palin Dear Ms. Palin: I wanted to lend my support to you and your family in your fight to stop entertainment shows like The Family Guy, politicians like Rahm Emanuel, and other public figures from using the term “retarded” to describe something they don’t agree with. I agree –…
The Brain Shell Game
With all the awareness that’s been raised over the past several years about autism, many people now realize that there are several forms of this organic brain disorder- gradations, if you will. Autism is a spectrum, including Pervasive Developmental Disability – Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) on one end, Asperger’s Syndrome somewhere in the middle, and…
Gimme Some Space
We get a report every week from Tim’s caseworker at ODTC that tells us how his week went. For the past several weeks, Tim has been agitated by the voices (worse than usual), restless, has run off his floor /away from staff / out of class several times, and required physical restraint to keep him…
Superman – It’s Not Easy
BringChange2Mind has been posting song videos that BC2M members have requested on Facebook this week. I thought I’d share my request. Tim has had an obsession with Superman since, well, since he could express it. He carries this affection for Superman through today. No song has ever described what I feel it must be like…
I wrote the following post as a response to a discussion about the exhaustion of caring for our kids on Michael Schofield’s yahoo group of parents with mentally ill children: All I can offer is the picture of a teenager who has been dealing with the voices and hallucinations since childhood. We didn’t realize he…
Blessings – Even If They’re In Disguise
I read back over my last few posts a few days ago and realized something….I’m a whiner! Man I can sure whine and bitch when I want to, can’t I? Pathetic! Especially in light of some of the real tragedies and hardships out in the world. The death and chaos in Haiti after the recent…
The Hidden Cost of Me
Very interesting guest article in the Harvard Business Review on the cost of Mental Illness to businesses – especially in regards to parents of children with mental illness. http://blogs.hbr.org/friedman/2009/12/the-hidden-business-cost-of-me.html
Merry Christmas!
Tim goes back to ODTC later this morning. We had a pleasant few days together as a family, even with a foot of snow on the 26th. We went to the movies Christmas Day – never done that before – and the kids really enjoyed that. Or oldest son made a real effort to be…