Parents Like Us Club


In 2011, after three years of writing this blog about the struggles and triumphs of raising Tim, I realized that the collective wisdom I’ve learned from other parents of children with severe mental illnesses needs to be shared with the parents just beginning the journey.

There is no other collective in the blogosphere specifically created to educate and support the parents of children diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, OCD, Depression, Anxiety, and other mood and neurobiological disorders. We need a group blog specific to mental illness where we can share our struggles and our triumphs with other Parents Like Us.

This isn’t a place where we lecture to you. This is a place for you to share your story with the world, and read the stories of other club members. Be anonymous if you would like. Be scared. Be pissed off. Be proud. But don’t be silent. We need to remember that none of us are in this alone. Everybody needs a place where they can let it all hang out. This is that place. Your words may be just the thing that help another Parent Like You start to feel like a Parent Like Us.

If you would like to submit a blog post for Parents Like Us, click here.