Ray of Light
I got the call last week I knew would come around this time. Tim’s not having a good week. He’s not sleeping much, easily agitated, and lashing out. He has a new caseworker and she wasn’t sure why. But I knew. It’s Fall. Read the rest at CABF.
Perfect Fall in Door County by D. Moultray (C) 2010 Used vis Creative Commons License I’ve been MIA, I know, and I’m sorry. I need to be better at being more regular. If for nothing else than for my mental health. I always feel better when I get things down on paper. Even virtual paper.…
What I Know (The Gertz Family)
I don’t know the Gertz’s. We live maybe 12 miles apart in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, but we have never met. Never at a doctor’s office. Never at a psychiatric hospital on a visiting day. Never at an in person or online support group meeting. I have no idea if the Gertz’s ever joined…
We Walked!
It was a beautiful day last Sunday in Chicago for NAMIWalks. I was the captain of Team BringChange2Mind / CABF. Our friend ImpassionedCat shared some great photos she took of the walk and the team. Thanks for sharing them with us, Catherine!
On the morning of September 11, 2002, I stood at Ground Zero with my friends, on a pilgrimage to be where our hearts had been for a year. In our effort to get near Ground Zero, we mistakenly ended up in the press pen behind the families of the survivors. We stood there, face to…
More Reading, More Cynicism
I’ve been taking the train into the city to my company’s alternate set of offices one day a week for the past month or so, and The hour ride each way has given me back time to leisure read. I love to read, but am usually too busy or to tired during the week to…
The “P” Word
I get questioned occasionally as to why I’m a member of the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation when my child does not have Bipolar Disorder. Tim has – and it’s a long diagnosis – Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type. His condition shares many symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, specifically periods of mania and depression. But what frightens…
30 Things About My Son’s Invisible Illness
I read this on Melissa’s blog, and thought it was great – so here’s our 30 things, modified a bit to be from a mom’s point of view. 1. The illness my son lives with is: Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type 2. He was diagnosed with it in the year: 2008, but some mood disorder since…
We Interrupt This Blog for a Little Whine
I love summer, usually. This summer has been one of the most humid summers in the Midwest in documented history. So the fact that I’m in surgically induced menopause due to a complete hysterectomy / oophorectomy last March and flashing like a bug zapper every few hours has left me cranky and sweaty. Really freakin’…
An Open Letter to Judith Warner
Good Morning: I’m reading your book right now, “We’ve Got Issues“. It was recommended to me by my friends Susan Resko and Nanci Schiman who run the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (I’m one of the volunteers who helps moderate their twitter account and writes a weekly post for the bpkids.org blog). I’m only about…