Category: frustration

  • Why Won’t Congress Act on Treatment Before Tragedy?

    Why Won’t Congress Act on Treatment Before Tragedy?

    From the Washington Post article, on the incident this week of shots fired near the Capital: Authorities identified the wounded suspect as Larry Russell Dawson, a minister from Tennessee. The 66-year-old Dawson previously was arrested in October in the District after he allegedly disrupted Congress by shouting that he was a “prophet of God.” Yet,…

  • Fail

    I’m failing in spectacular fashion. Our bonus kid has been struggling with learning how to be part of a family without falling into her old pattern of alienating everyone around her before they can disappoint or hurt her.  She vacillates between needing intense, toddler-like levels of affection to openly despising every word anyone over the…

  • Gah! No, Seriously – Gah!

    As I drove in the car with Tim yesterday, my mind wandered to contemplating what crazy-fueled car behavior of his irritates me more – the times he chatters incessantly, or the times he sits catatonic, mouth agape, staring into nothingness for the entire drive. Yesterday I was treated to four solid hours of fly catching…

  • Your Diploma Wasn’t Issued By God

    I am gonna shoot me a psychiatrist one of these days, I swear… So The Girl started the adolescent day hospital program today, after her assessment Tuesday when it was discovered she’d started cutting. Mind you, she started on Monday. She’d never, ever cut before that. At intake Tuesday, the pdoc that heard info about…

  • Deja Vu All Over Again

    I swear I’ve had a post with this title before. Spent the day back at the psychiatric hospital with The Girl, again.  She’s not trying to become anorexic anymore. No, someone noticed her arm today when her sleeve was pulled up, and up and down her left arm are cuts.  She admitted to the school…

  • Screw It

    I’m in a wickedly foul mood today.  I don’t really have the time to be in this bad of a mood, but I am, and there’s very little I can do about it other than stew in my own bile for a while.  At least until something else captures my attention away from feeling sorry…

  • I Am A Rock, I Am An Island

    My daughter – Tim’s adoptive (not biological) sister –  has an Inhibited Attachment Disorder, brought on by years in foster care.  She was shuttled from home to home (as many as 10) before we adopted her 12 years ago, at age 4.   And some days, I wish it was Schizophrenia instead.

  • WTF, or Transitory Irritation

    So, Tim’s caseworker emails that she wants to have a family session by phone to talk about what happened the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  I know, I’m repeating myself, but that’s where today’s freak out (on my part) starts. I set up a time with her for tomorrow, and off-handledly mentioned in my email that they…