Category: Thanksgiving

  • Thanksgiving and a Teen Gift Guide

    By Besimo – click for original on Flickr All I want for Christmas is the same kind of uneventful day we had for Thanksgiving. It’s been a few years since we’ve had an uneventful Thanksgiving, and I gotta admit, it was nice.  We stayed in our PJ’s all day, cooked our turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed…

  • Someday

    Tim was home for Thanksgiving for less than 24 hours. He came home 3 PM Tuesday.  My parents picked him up and brought him home. His anxiety got the better of him, and the inevitable meltdown happened.  We decided – he and Tom and I – that he (and we) would be ‘safer’ if Tim…

  • Thanksgiving

    In the spirit of the holiday, I wanted to share what I am thankful for this year. — I am thankful for my health, especially as I watch a close friend deal with cancer. — I am thankful for my marriage, which has its ups and downs, but still serves as my backbone after 19…