Category: NBPHM

  • Thanksgiving and a Teen Gift Guide

    By Besimo – click for original on Flickr All I want for Christmas is the same kind of uneventful day we had for Thanksgiving. It’s been a few years since we’ve had an uneventful Thanksgiving, and I gotta admit, it was nice.  We stayed in our PJ’s all day, cooked our turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed…

  • Ekphrasis – Free Writing Based on an Image NBPHM / NaBloPoMo Day 22

    Photo by ashleydoar I’ve seen this installation at the Art Institute of Chicago.  It’s meant to represent the artist’s partner who died of AIDS; 175 pounds of candy, representing the partner’s body weight when he was healthy.  Visitors are encouraged to take a piece of candy, representing how the disease ate away at him, and…

  • Just A Friday Update, No Big Whoop – NBPHM / NaBloPoMo Day 18

    Even with the holiday coming, it’s been a pretty good week for Tim.  One rough morning earlier this week when he called Tom and said, “I’m hyper, I’m bouncing, I need you to talk me down,” Tom did. The staffing call – a quarterly round of BS that we have to endure to keep Tim’s…