Wordless Wednesday – SOPA
Turning a Stigmatizing Experience Into A Positive
Did you read over the weekend about Palmer Advertising in San Francisco, and the ad they put on Craigslist? No? Apparently they are looking for a business development person in the Stockton, California area and the ad, along with job description and required experience, listed this line: “The successful candidate will have … Sanity. If…
Pdoc-Gate Update: Resolution and Research
So – after that second email letter, and a phone call yesterday, and another phone call today, Tim will finally see a psychiatrist that, amazingly, not only works for the RTC but has her office on the grounds of the RTC Saturday at 1 PM. This doctor will be able to monitor him until they…
Latest Letter to RTC In No-Pdoc-Gate
Greetings: I understand you have made an appointment with a psychiatrist employed by your sister company for Tim this Saturday at 1 PM. I have a few questions I would like to ask: 1) is this the psychiatrist who will be regularly monitoring Tim until you hire a permanent doctor? 2) is this a child…
Just A Belly Rub
If you’ve ever read my blog, you may know that, along with three children, I have four dogs. We didn’t plan on having four. It sort of happened by accident. They are all dogs that someone else had mistreated or didn’t want, collected over the past decade from three different states and at separate times.…
Six Freaking Months
Tim had a bad day yesterday, and I fear we’re seeing the start of the usual Winter cycle. Apparently he asked for his PRN in the morning because his voices were “loud,” but by 3:30 in the afternoon, they’d worn off. He got in to it with a new staff member at his group home,…
Wordless Wednesday – DSM
Tim: 315.31 / 318.0 / 295.70 Me: 300.01 / 309.81 / 315.1
Beginnings – Yours and Mine. Ours.
As part of my plan to be more involved, more active, and more mindful, I signed up for NaBloPoMo for January, and the theme for January is “beginnings”. So many ways to go with that theme, huh? So, since today marks the beginning of the work year 2012, and the first day of 2012 I’ve…
Blogging About Not Blogging Today
Ugh. Head cold. You don’t want to hear what I have to say about that. Trust me.
No Resolutions
It’s January First, and while my day is consumed by football (Go Packers!), Bloody Marys, and hanging out with friends and family, I did commit to January NaBloPoMo with BlogHer. Today’s post is about resolutions. I don’t make them. To me, they’re sort of like giving things up for Lent. It’s unrealistic to let a…