Category: love

  • Sadness and Wonder

    Sadness and Wonder

    It’s been quite a few interesting days since my last post. Sadness  Tim was discharged from the hospital after a 6 day stay with an increase in his Latuda. He was a bit withdrawn but seemed to be ok until a week later, when he had a violent outburst centered on my and Tom’s trying…

  • He’s Leaving Home: A Love Letter

    I don’t talk about them a lot here, but we do have two children besides Tim.  Our oldest, “Sandy,” is 20 years old.  He’s our biological child and, for better or for worse, is a chip off the old blocks.  Both of us.  He’s got the tall, lanky body and strong chin of Tom and…

  • It Starts With Us

    I have been following a Twitter account for a few weeks now without really knowing what it was all about.  Today I took some time to find out, and I literally broke into tears when I read about this amazing cause’s mission and what it’s doing for ordinary people who just need a little lift.…