Category: hope

  • A Long December

    A Long December

    I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted.  Winter is long and cold here in Chicago, and frankly, I am, as much as I hate to admit it, I am prone to seasonal depression which makes me pretty much hide out, eat, binge watch Netflix, and shun bearing my soul to, well, anyone. But…

  • Nothing Is What It Seems – Part Two

    If you didn’t read part one, click here. In 55 minutes, the reality we’ve been living in was questioned.  The prognosis we’d been operating under was debated. The fate of Tim’s future quality of life was mulled over.  This was all the result of one question posed by the doctor. If Tim’s cognitive issues are…

  • Sharing Hope

    Sharing Hope

    Photo by Waqar Bukhari Our lives – me, my kids, my husband, other parents like us, other kids like mine – are complicated and messy.  Everyone’s lives are complicated and messy but our lives have an extra added shot of complication and a healthy dose of mess more than the average life.  Trying to make…