Category: anger

  • The Final Word on the Subject

    The Final Word on the Subject

    The Girl has always wanted a sister. With two older brothers and paralyzing shyness, she had never been able to make many close friends that understood what it is like to grow up girl. So when the bonus kid came into our lives and our home, she was happy to have a sister figure in…

  • Latest Letter to RTC In No-Pdoc-Gate

    Greetings: I understand you have made an appointment with a psychiatrist employed by your sister company for Tim this Saturday at 1 PM. I have a few questions I would like to ask: 1) is this the psychiatrist who will be regularly monitoring Tim until you hire a permanent doctor? 2) is this a child…

  • Screw It

    I’m in a wickedly foul mood today.  I don’t really have the time to be in this bad of a mood, but I am, and there’s very little I can do about it other than stew in my own bile for a while.  At least until something else captures my attention away from feeling sorry…

  • Shouting at the Wind

    I got the third call in two weeks today. Tim’s psychosis seems to be rearing its head fast and furious this year.  Just this week he’s lashed out at classmates, broken a window, thrown items at and yelled at staff.  He’s told his case worker that the voices are back and are loud.  We went…

  • Sharing Hope

    Sharing Hope

    Photo by Waqar Bukhari Our lives – me, my kids, my husband, other parents like us, other kids like mine – are complicated and messy.  Everyone’s lives are complicated and messy but our lives have an extra added shot of complication and a healthy dose of mess more than the average life.  Trying to make…

  • Guilt and Anger

    We have a date – August 24. That’s when Tim can be admitted to ODTC. Between state budget issues (like not having one), and good old fashioned bureocracy, it will be nearly 50 days between getting the ok to admit and actually getting admitted. Mind you, none of the bureocracy was ODTC’s fault. Today Tom…