Category: Uncategorized

  • September 11th interview on The Coffee Klatch

    Thanks to Marianne Russo of The Coffee Klatch for having me as her guest tonight on Blog Talk Radio to discuss childhood and adolescent mental illness.  You can hear the rebroadcast below. Listen to internet radio with The Coffee Klatch on Blog Talk Radio

  • Loughner and the Stigma

    The army of armchair psychiatrists have weighed in on the tragic shootings in Tucson last Saturday. Arizona Shooting Tragic Reminder of Dangers of Mental Illness – WWLT, New Orleans Mental Illness Claims 9, Wounds 10 – Some clueless idiot on Technorati Why Are The Mentally Ill Still Bearing Arms? – Time Magazine It’s no wonder…

  • the bunny years: Glee and Discrimination

    the bunny years: Glee and Discrimination – a friend’s open letter to Ryan Murphy, Fox, and Glee, on their flippant use of the word ‘bipolar’ as a slur.

  • The “P” Word

    I get questioned occasionally as to why I’m a member of the Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation when my child does not have Bipolar Disorder. Tim has – and it’s a long diagnosis – Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type. His condition shares many symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, specifically periods of mania and depression. But what frightens…