Category: support

  • One Week

    One Week

    What a week. This week has been Mental Health Awareness Week, as I’m sure you know, and today is World Mental Health Day.  This year’s theme is Living with Schizophrenia, something we know a lot about.   This week was also the week Kelli Stapleton was sentenced to ten to twenty-two years in prison for…

  • Parent Support Groups: Those Who Live It, Understand

    Photo Courtesy of Chances are, if you’re reading this, you are already looking for peers, and that’s a good thing.  There is one immutable truth I’ve learned going through this roller coaster the past 15 some-odd years: no matter how great your psychiatrist, psychologist, therapists, social worker, case manager and school administrators are, they…

  • Hope is Real

    I had the immense pleasure this weekend of having dinner with several folks of BringChange2Mind. They’ve all changed my life – our family’s lives – in some way. The CABF team helped pull us out of the fear and confusion we felt when Tim was first diagnosed. Susan Resko, Executive Director of CABF – without…

  • Blessings – Even If They’re In Disguise

    I read back over my last few posts a few days ago and realized something….I’m a whiner! Man I can sure whine and bitch when I want to, can’t I? Pathetic! Especially in light of some of the real tragedies and hardships out in the world. The death and chaos in Haiti after the recent…