Category: schizoaffective

  • Exhaustion

    I wrote the following post as a response to a discussion about the exhaustion of caring for our kids on Michael Schofield’s yahoo group of parents with mentally ill children: All I can offer is the picture of a teenager who has been dealing with the voices and hallucinations since childhood. We didn’t realize he…

  • Depression – Again

    Thanksgiving was pleasant, but most definitely not relaxing. The day itself was nice – cooking, the smell of stuffing and sweet potatoes, friends and good conversation. But I was back to work on Friday – supporting retail means never resting on Black Friday – off to visit Tim at ODTC on Saturday, and trying to…

  • Side Effects

    Since I’m physically incapable of sleeping in anymore – something I miss – I usually get a few hours of quiet in the house before anyone else is up. I catch up on my email, blog, read posts in the couple of groups I belong to, and read blog postings on the blogs I follow.…

  • Darkness

    It’s been a week since Daylight Savings Time has ended, and I am just starting to feel like I’ve adjusted. I don’t know what I like better – driving to work in the dark and coming home just as it’s getting dark at night, like it was during the end of Daylight Savings, or driving…

  • Protected: You Have 2 Open Your Mind to

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Drowning

    It’s been an interesting weekend, to say the least. Definitely not relaxing. I don’t know how I feel about it, really. The fact that it’s 5 o’clock Sunday morning and I’ve been up nearly 2 hours after waking during a dream that I was drowning probably says more about how I feel than I could…

  • Ch..Ch…Changes

    A lot has changed around here in the past couple of weeks. I’ve gone back to work in an office, after working from home for nearly 3 years. Our daughter has gone from thinking we suck, to wanting to hang out with us, to thinking we suck again (she’s 14). It went from 79 and…

  • Thanks but….

    I get a lot of unsolicited advice on dealing with Tim. Most of it is meant with good intentions, I know that. Rarely do I get comments from buttinskis that mean their advice more to admonish my parenting than truly be helpful. Those are usually the people that have no freakin’ idea what we’re dealing…

  • Relief


    When we talked to Tim on the phone last Thursday, he seemed to be a bit homesick. “When are you coming?” he asked. This is a big change from when he was inpatient. He used to love to play the punishment game with us every time he was in the hospital. The first 2-4 days,…

  • Cycling

    Talked to Tim on the phone last night. “My voices are back,” he said. As he’s gotten older, he has started to get the ability to separate his own thoughts from the three voices he shares his head with, at least for a time. After secretly congratulating myself for warning his case manager that this…