Category: movie

  • Join Me In Hell

    Join Me In Hell

    Everyone has those movies that, no matter what time they come on TV or what you’re doing when they come on, you’ll stop everything to watch them.  One of mine, What Dreams May Come, was on cable today.

  • Movie Sunday – Love, Ludlow

    This afternoon I sat down, hell-bent on getting a blog post done. It’s about five thousand degrees outside so I switched on the TV. Tom and I tend to record movies off Starz and Showtime to the DVR that have interesting descriptions to watch when we have time to spare. Today I snapped on Love,…

  • Stigma and Sophie’s Choice – NABPM / NaBloPoMo Day 6

    I watched Sophie’s Choice the other day.  It’s an amazing movie of a tragic and painful story and while I admire the film it’s one of those I have to steel myself up to watch because the story and subject matter, World War II and the Nazi concentration camps.  But the other side of the…

  • Completely Random Commentary on a Saturday Night

    There are but a handful of films that move me so much my heart swells and my soul burts every time I see them. Tonight, I’m watching one of them; this one.