Category: mental illness

  • The Backstory – Part Four

    The Backstory – Part Four

    Ok – so tomorrow took a bit longer than I thought. Life happens. So – where were we? Oh yes – Tim’s first therapeutic day school in Illinois. Without naming it – but think of a musical starring Robert Goulet and you’ll get it – it was an unmitigated disaster. This program does great with…

  • The Backstory – Part Three

    The Backstory – Part Three

    Hell broke loose alright. Tim was put in a special ed class with a teacher that thought special ed meant that he just needed more time to do assignments. If he got up, she would get huffy with him. If he talked, she would reprimand him. After about a month of that, he couldn’t take…

  • The Backstory – Part One

    The Backstory – Part One

    So I guess I should start from the beginning, right? Tom and I were married young, at 23. Not teenage-young, but a lot younger than most people get married these days. We had our oldest son right away, and after he was about a year old, we thought we’d like to have a second child.…

  • Welcome


    Imagine it – a new baby, beautiful, bright, happy. What a good baby – sleeps at night, eats well, smiles and meets his milestones. Then – at year 2, still no words. Year 3 – rage – uncontrollable rage, for no obvious reason. Year 5 – fleeing from teachers, hiding under desks. Year 9 –…