Category: HAWMC

  • HAWMC – Day Twelve: Free Writing Based on an Image

    Image by Vivadança Festival Internacional Ano 5 via Creative Commons License I’ll be a parent forever.  Of course, my children will always be my children, but I will have a child at home, living with me, dependent on me, relying on me to keep him safe and housed and clothed and fed until the day I die.…

  • HAWMC – Day Ten: My Postsecret

    Most people are familiar with Postsecret, the long time art and social experiment where strangers send anonymous secrets on postcards to a guy named Frank.  Today’s Health Advocates Writing Monthly Challenge is to create my own Postsecret here – not anonymous, obviously – and explain why.  So, here it goes. I absolutely believe that Childhood…

  • HAWMC – Day Five: Chrisa Attempts Poetry

    I’m not really a poem person.  I read them.  Some.  e.e.cumming and Emily Dickenson.  But I don’t write them.  So when I read today’s HAWMC prompt – to write a haiku – I procrastinated.  I avoided.  I generally did everything I could do not to.  But, the day will soon draw to a close, so…

  • HAWMC – Day Four: Absurd Headlines – Another Idiot

    I wish I was making this one up.  Again, a “doctor” that says, basically, we’re just lazy parents.  Here’s his article (reprinted from the Metro West Daily News) and the comment I left on it.Childhood Bipolar Disorder or Just Childhood?  By Dr. Jacob Azerrad On the Today show, a few days after the earthquake in…

  • HAWMC -Day Three: Question and Answer

    Today’s Health Activist Writer’s Monthly Challenge prompt is to write a question sort of like a Yahoo Question and then answer it. I thought about it for a few hours, and I decided to write about a question I have been asked. Do you really think children can have Schizophrenia? The short answer? Yes. I…

  • Health Activist Writer’s Monthly Challenge – Word of the Day

    Over on WEGO Health, where I am a member and I re-post some of my blog posts, it’s Health Activist Writer’s Monthly Challenge month. Each day of the month is a different prompt and we are challenged to blog as many days in April as we can, using the prompts.  So I’m starting on Day…