Category: behavior

  • Help!

    My daughter, who has always displayed some signs of Reactive Attachment Disorder since we adopted her 10 years ago, has now decided she’d rather starve than be around me or Tom. Since December 29, she stayed in her room all day, every day, no food, no drink, no interaction with anyone unless Tom and I…

  • The Backstory – Part Four

    The Backstory – Part Four

    Ok – so tomorrow took a bit longer than I thought. Life happens. So – where were we? Oh yes – Tim’s first therapeutic day school in Illinois. Without naming it – but think of a musical starring Robert Goulet and you’ll get it – it was an unmitigated disaster. This program does great with…

  • The Backstory – Part Two

    The Backstory – Part Two

    So – what do you do about a kid who doesn’t talk at age 2? We went to our pediatrician. He told us our son had ‘second child syndrome’ – basically, his big brother did all the talking for him, interpreting his noises and anticipating his needs, so his speech development would be delayed. And…