So, the transition to the new school is not going as smoothly as I’d hoped.
He had about two good weeks, then the agitation began, fueled by teenage housemates who have figured out that pushing his buttons is excessively easy.
He had a particularly bad day last week – we know it was bad because he called, his teacher called, and his case worker called – but we didn’t realize how bad until we got the incident report in the mail last night.
“Client had an altercation with his roommate. The roommate was asked to leave the room, and staff asked Tim to take calming breaths. Tim yelled that he wanted to kill himself and put a plastic bag over his head. Tim struggled when staff removed the bag from his head. Tim again expressed the desire to die.”
He’s been home for four days this week, and in a very good mood, doing really well. But he goes back to RTC today, and we leave for vacation – the first without him since his birth – tomorrow. I’m a little paranoid. Today I bought the International calling package for my cell phone so we can call him a few times while we’re gone. Remind me to remind Wonderboy to call his brother too, every few days. I was feeling carefree about this vacation. Now? Not so much.