Throttling Artistic Expression?
I got an email today from UK reporter Brendan O’Neill. Apparently he’s writing a story about the RMU dance team. I don’t know anything about Mr. O’Neill other than what I’ve read on his column at The Telegraph. The byline there describes him as, “the editor of spiked, an independent online phenomenon dedicated to raising the…
RMU Sent Me a Letter Today
I got the following email from the Athletic Director for Robert Morris University today: Ms. Hickey- I am writing in apology that the Robert Morris University Women’s Dance routine and costume was perceived negatively, as you have described in your letter. In no way did the students and/or the coaches plan to poke fun…
Straightjacket Dance Criticized – Chicago Tribune
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/ct-met-dance-straitjacket-0315-20110314,0,7810200.story By John Keilman A Chicago dance team that performed in straitjackets last month has drawn criticism from a mental health advocate who said the outfits displayed insensitivity toward people with mental disorders.The Robert Morris University competitive dance team wore the costumes, which included wild, frizzy hair and dark eye makeup, at a national contest in Minnesota. Chrisa Hickey, a…
Stigmatization By Another Dance Team
An anonymous poster alerted me to Chicago’s Robert Morris University dance team and their recent 8th place finish in a dance competition. Their costumes? You guessed it. Straight jackets. (Update 3/14/11: here’s the cached version of the story and picture, as it has dissappeared from the live site) I can’t believe we’re seeing this again,…