Category: choices

  • Fear and Misinformation and Throwing Away 50%

    DJ Jaffe and Dr. Fuller Torrey are two leading figures in the cause for forced treatment of persons with severe mental illness. Their argument is that persons with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and severe bipolar disorder lack the ability to contribute to their care. While in many cases, that is true, in equally as many cases…

  • Deja Vu All Over Again

    …My son Tim, who has a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder, turns 18 in eight months, and he will age out of his current RTC placement. He won’t be graduating high school (read here about the Super Senior program), but we will have to decide whether he should come home or we should find another residential…

  • The Best Laid Plans…

    This blog post is late. Four weeks late, to be exact. I had such great intentions at the beginning of August to put all of my blog obligations on a calendar, complete with topics for each post, intending to work on them in advance so I could not only fulfill all my obligations, but get…

  • Managing

    Timothy has had rages since he was two years old. I remember the first time I realized he was raging out of frustration or anxiety – he was a tiny little thing, with a head full of brown curls. He didn’t have very much language yet; maybe a word here or there, and he was…